English pattern can be found also as written lower down on the same page.
You can download below pattern as PDF
עברית (Hebrew)
If you are looking for the page in finnish please see Kalevala CAL Iso tammi.
עברית (Hebrew)
If you are looking for the page in finnish please see Kalevala CAL Iso tammi.
“In the Kalevala, a great oak tree connects the earth, the heaven and the underworld. A big oak grows in the world as early as the world is still being edited and created. The oak covers the moon and the sun, and the world becomes dark. There is a search for a woodcutter, but nobody seems to succeed. Finally, from the sea becomes a small copper-colored dressed man who becomes a giant and hits the tree with three strokes of axe. The lights of heaven are finally released, and the world is ready. The magic powers of the tree are released for human joy. The treetop cutter gets the lifelong magic touch, the cutter of the branch gets happiness forever and the sprig cutter gets the eternal love.”
You can share pictures of the Big Oak square on social media with #kalevalacal_isotammi. Hashtags for Kalevala CAL are #kalevalacal and #kalevalacal2017.
General Kalevala CAL info and all the links to other parts of the blanket project will be found on
You can find pictures of the squares made by other Kalevala CAL participants on Instagram: #kalevalacal #kalevalacal2017 #kalevalacal_isotammi
And the the pattern
Stitches and abbreviations:
sh st chain stitch
sl st slip stitch
sc single crochet
hdc half double crochet
dc double crochet (1 yarnover on hook)
tr triple crochet (2 yarnover on hook)
dtr double treble crochet (3 yarnover on hook)
fpdc front post double crochet
fptr front post treble crochet
fptr 4tog front post treble 4 sts together
** Repeat instructions between asterisks the amount of times specified. This is normally the repeat for a complete side and will consist of multiple instructions.
( ) Repeat instructions between parentheses the amount of times specified. This is a lower level repeat.
[…] Between square bracket in purple and italic are instructions and hints which will guide you through the pattern.
Special stiches:
Front post
Front post treble 4 stitches
Tapestry crochet
· Tapestry crochet means that other yarns
runs inside stitches while crochet with one. The colour is always changed when
you still have 2 loops on the hook, bring in the new colour on the last yarn
over (to finish the last stitches in previous colour).
In this pattern you can use three different
colours, but you may also use only one colour of your choice.
Colors C1 - Dark grey C2 – Olive green C3 – Orange
You can find all the colours needed in every row for the different colour packs at Arteeni.fi
Colors C1 - Dark grey C2 – Olive green C3 – Orange
You can find all the colours needed in every row for the different colour packs at Arteeni.fi
Rnd 1
Start by making a magic ring with colour C1 and into ring make ch 1,
12 sc. Join to the 1st sc with a sl st. Tighten the centre by
pulling the short yarn end to form a ring so that the centre hole disappears.
Stitch count: 12
Rnd 2
Continue with colour C1. Ch 3 [count as dc],
dc from the front in st before [indicated with an arrow in photo below],
*dc in next st, dc from the front in st before* repeat *-* 10 more times. Join
to the 3rd ch with a sl st.
Stitch count: 24 sts
Rnd 3
Continue with colour C1. Ch 3 [count as dc],
dc in the same st, fpdc in the next st, *2 dcs in the next st, 1 fpdc* repeat
*-* 10 more times. Join with colour C2 to the 3rd ch with a sl st. Do
not fasten off yarn C1.
Stitch count: 36 sts
Rnd 4
Continue with colour C2. Ch 3 [count as dc],
dc in the same st, dc in the next st, with colour C1 fpdc, *with colour C2 2 dc
in the next st, dc in the next st, with colour C1 fpdc* repeat *-* 10 more times.
Join with colour C2 to the 3rd ch with a sl st.
Stitch count: 48 sts
Rnd 5
with both yarns C1 and C2. With colour C2 ch 3 [count as dc], dc in the same
st, fpdc in the next st, dc in the next st, with colour C1 fpdc in the next st,
*with colour C2 2 dc in the next st, fpdc in the next st, dc in the next st,
with colour C1 fpdc in the next st* repeat *-* 10 more times. Join with colour
C3 to the 3rd ch with a sl st
Stitch count: 60 sts
Rnd 6
Continue with colour C3. Ch 3 [count as dc], dc
in the same st, dc in the next st, with colour C2 fpdc in the next st, with colour
C3 dc in the next st [change colour C1 when you have finished the dc as in
photo below], with C1 fptr4tog, *with colour C3 2 dc in the next st [do not skip the
hidden st], dc in the next st, with colour C2 fpdc in the next st, with
colour C3 dc in the next st, with colour C1 fptr4tog*, repeat *-* 10 more times. Join
to the 3rd ch with a sl st.
Stitch count: 72 sts
Rnd 7
Continue with colour C2 and C3, do not
fasten off yarn C1. With colour C3 ch 3 [count as dc], dc in the same st, fpdc in the
next st, dc in the next st, [change to colour C2 when dc is finished], with
colour C2 fptr4tog, with colour C3 dc in the next 2 sts, *2 dcs in the next st, fpdc
in the next st, dc in the next st, with colour C2 fptr4tog, [change to colour C3], dc in the
next 2 sts* repeat *-* 10 more times. Join
with colour C1 to the 3rd ch with a sl st. Fasten off colour C2.
Stitch count: 84 sts
Rnd 8
Continue with colour C1 and C3. With colour C1
ch 3 [count
as dc], dc in the same st, dc in the next st [change colour C3 when dc is finished],
with colour C3 fptr4tog, *with colour C1 dc in the next 4 sts, 2 dcs in the next
st, dc in the next st, with colour C3 fptr4tog* repeat *-* 10 more times, with color
C1 dc in the next 4 sts. Join to the 3rd ch with a sl st. Fasten off
colour C3.
count: 96 sts
Rnd 9
Continue with colour C1. *4 scs, 2 hdcs, 2
dcs in the next st, dc, 3 trs, 2 dtrs in the next st, ch 3, 2 dtrs in the next
st, 3 trs, dc, 2 dcs in the next st, 2 hdcs, 4 scs* repeat *-* 3 more times. Join
to the 1st sc with a sl st.
Stitch count: 112 sts and 3 ch -corners
Rnd 10
Stitch count: 136 sts
Rnd 11
Ch 3 [count as dc], dc in the next 16 sts, (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) into the ch-sp, dc in the next 17 sts, *17 dcs, (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) into the ch-sp, 17 dcs* repeat *-* 2 more times. Join to the 3rd ch with a sl st.
Stitch count: 160 sts and 3 ch- corners
Steam to block and let it dry.
I, Maija-Leena Siuvatti, have the rights to the entire pattern, pictures and instructions. You have no right to copy, modify, distribute or sell this entity or any part of it. You can share the blog link http://omaajalainattua.blogspot.fi/ if you want to share the pattern somewhere. You can sell your self-made product as long as you mention me as a designer. Thank you!
I, Maija-Leena Siuvatti, have the rights to the entire pattern, pictures and instructions. You have no right to copy, modify, distribute or sell this entity or any part of it. You can share the blog link http://omaajalainattua.blogspot.fi/ if you want to share the pattern somewhere. You can sell your self-made product as long as you mention me as a designer. Thank you!